Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007 - GOOD NEWS!

We received very good news today: the cancer has not spread to her bones! Keira went in for her bone scane today. She was so good. She slept right there on the machine for 45 minutes while they scanned her. I was even able to shift her around some when they needed it and she just slept right through it. Some parents may be thinking this is not a big deal because your children at 1 year of age could sleep through anything. Keira is a very light sleeper and refuses to sleep anywhere except her bed, our bed, the car or on mom. Any other place, she just wakes up screaming. But today, our little girl slept right through it all on that machine. It was amazing!

So, after nearly 2 weeks, we have finally finished the tests that determine the extent of the cancer. Now we can actually say it is centralized. The cancer has not spread. We thank God for this. And we thank everyone who has been so diligent in praying for us. This means we can finally begin to work out a treatment plan. That should begin Wednesday.

We also found out today that there is a possibility that surgery might be an option. The doctors now believe that they might be able to surgically remove the cancer. We do not know for sure, but it is at least a possibility. We would appriciate prayer for this. It would be wonderful if Keira did not have to go through an extended period of chemotherapy because the doctors could remove some or all of the cancer through surgery.

That is all for now. Thank you everyone again. The emails continue to come as do cards and even presents (Keira got 3 ducks today). From the bottom of our hearts we are forever grateful

Jason, Erin & Keira

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About Me

At the age of 10 months, Keira was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. She has completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 2 surgeries. She has had a wonderful response to therapy and now has only a small mass left in her chest.

3/9/2008 - Celebrating one year from diagnosis

Stylin at the Easter Egg Hunt!

2 years and I still love cake!

First trip to the zoo - a great reward after a long day at Childrens!

- and I even got to hold a bird!

I see how long it's taking mommy to get through - I'd better get started now!


First day of school with best friend Ellie

How am I going to stick this landing?

The Fam

Keira's first cake




Daddy & Me

Daddy & Me