Thursday, March 15, 2007

March 15, 2007 - A few Questions

One more day and we finally get to start tests (Friday, 3/16/07). We are anxious, but hanging in there. We appreciate so much our familes, friends and the body of Christ, who have been very supportive over this week.

I would like to clarify a few things that have been asked of us.

1. Could this be a ganglioneuroma?

Some neuroblastoma cases can develop into a non-cancerous tumor called ganglioneuroma. This is a benign tumor that in some cases does not even need to be removed because it does not harm the child. Sadly, the doctors are confident that her tumor is neuroblastoma and do not feel that it will progress into a ganglioneuroma.

2. Doesn't neuroblastoma in infants have a good prognosis?

Yes, in children under the age of one year, some tests have shown that 80% of them survived and were doing well after 5 years, but this is dependent upon what the tumor looks like under the microscope as well as where it is in the body when it is found. This gives us some confidence in the final outcome, knowing that 4 out of 5 children survive this, but as parents we are keenly aware of the 1 out of 5 that do not. So, ultimately we are not placing our trust or hope in the percentages, but in the hands of almighty God. Our faith is in Him.

With additional tests that Keira begins tomorrow, we will get more answers, but until we have those tests, this is all we currently know.

We very much continue to covet your prayers and love and support. Again, thank you so much to everyone.

Jason, Erin & Keira

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About Me

At the age of 10 months, Keira was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. She has completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 2 surgeries. She has had a wonderful response to therapy and now has only a small mass left in her chest.

3/9/2008 - Celebrating one year from diagnosis

Stylin at the Easter Egg Hunt!

2 years and I still love cake!

First trip to the zoo - a great reward after a long day at Childrens!

- and I even got to hold a bird!

I see how long it's taking mommy to get through - I'd better get started now!


First day of school with best friend Ellie

How am I going to stick this landing?

The Fam

Keira's first cake




Daddy & Me

Daddy & Me