Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 18, 2007

Since asking people to email us or in some way drop us a note of encouragment, we have had 10-15 emails a day. It has been amazingly inspirational for us. Thank you all so much. Sitting down throughout the day and getting email after email of people telling us they are thinking of us and praying for us has truly touched our hearts. We are forever grateful

Jason, Erin & Keira


EmilyAnne said...

I love that new picture! She is adorable and she sure is taking after Jason!

Anonymous said...

I love that new picture! She is adorable and she sure is taking after Erin!

Miss Mommy said...

I totally agree- really looks like Jason- she is super cute, so don't worry, J!

Anonymous said...

Keira and your family have all of Christ Church praying for you as well as many other churches, and prayer groups around the world.
Blessings & Hugs

tranthegirl said...

Oaaahhhhhh! I'm pouting b/c she is so round and sweet. I haven't seen her since I held her last so have been dying to see her. So thanks for putting that baby face up on the site. I love you guys so much.

About Me

At the age of 10 months, Keira was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. She has completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 2 surgeries. She has had a wonderful response to therapy and now has only a small mass left in her chest.

3/9/2008 - Celebrating one year from diagnosis

Stylin at the Easter Egg Hunt!

2 years and I still love cake!

First trip to the zoo - a great reward after a long day at Childrens!

- and I even got to hold a bird!

I see how long it's taking mommy to get through - I'd better get started now!


First day of school with best friend Ellie

How am I going to stick this landing?

The Fam

Keira's first cake




Daddy & Me

Daddy & Me