Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007 - faith like a child

Today we had a great experience. A class of first graders wrote out prayers, bound them in a little book, and gave them to us. This amazing class of young boys and girls has a picture of Keira in their classroom, and they pray for her everyday. They also gave us a basket full of toys and books for Keira to take to the hospital. In that class they call her Baby Keira. Baby is just part of her name. It was very touching, and as I read the prayers these little kids wrote out for Keira with their own hands, it gave me great hope that Keira would be healed because how could God not listen to heartfelt prayers of 1st graders?

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support. We are ever grateful

Jason, Erin & Keira

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a fifth-grader at TCA and my class and I have ben praying for you and your daughter.Everyone has ben asking,'' How is Keira doing?''. So our teacher gave us this website to keep posted! We put the picture of Keira and the ducks as our backround.We hope God chooses to heal your sweet daughter!


Becca Polk

About Me

At the age of 10 months, Keira was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. She has completed 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 2 surgeries. She has had a wonderful response to therapy and now has only a small mass left in her chest.

3/9/2008 - Celebrating one year from diagnosis

Stylin at the Easter Egg Hunt!

2 years and I still love cake!

First trip to the zoo - a great reward after a long day at Childrens!

- and I even got to hold a bird!

I see how long it's taking mommy to get through - I'd better get started now!


First day of school with best friend Ellie

How am I going to stick this landing?

The Fam

Keira's first cake




Daddy & Me

Daddy & Me